Our approach to transport safety, 2023

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Navata Road Transport Safety Concerns

Safety is a key concern for our road activities. These can include delivering products or transporting goods and equipment to and within the areas where we operate.

Whether you are traveling in the crowded urban streets or Four-Lane Highways, driving is always a tough task. Road Safety should always be your main concern, serious accidents often occur when drivers make poor decisions, such as driving too fast or turning too quickly.

Experts say that navigating the road and traffic conditions and keep the morale high is a real challenge. Imagine the immense stress faced by the heavy-vehicle drivers who carry tons of loads from one corner to another corner of India. 

Remember, they have to drive in the heavy traffic of cities and poorly maintained highways also. Growing needs of material movement put further pressure on them. Studies say that the drivers are forced to drive continuously without a break. It increases the risk of mishaps.


Transport Safety Road Safety Truck Driving Safety

Transport Safety - Road Safety

Transportation is inherent to our business activities. Our road safety approach focuses on driver skills and behaviour, as well as the condition of the vehicle, road and local environment. 

It is supported by our global road safety standards and includes routine audits of the road safety capabilities of our contractors as well as our mandatory defensive truck driving training course. This course teaches safe truck driving techniques and behaviour, with an overall aim of reducing risks.

Navata Road Transport is amongst the Top 10 logistics companies in india where drivers are treated as the most important and valuable human resources and consider Road Safety as number one priority. 

The company believes that the drivers are the backbone of the business. Hence, they should be given the maximum importance. Hence, the drivers are trained about the effective safety measures while truck driving vehicles.

Navata Road Transport Drivers Doesn’t Forget The Following While Truck driving - ( Road Safety Tips )

1. Keep a close eye on the speed limits

Driving above the permitted speed limits is not only a legal offense, but it is dangerous as well. The faster we move on the roads, the difficult it is to control if you need to apply breaks all of a sudden. Whether it is a small car or a heavy vehicle, the risk is equal. Due to the high momentum, the transfer of energy is enormous which causes severe injuries. Studies reveal that even if you drive 20 kilometers above the allowed speed limits, the time saved is not more than an hour. Hence, there is no point in putting the life under threat by driving rash.

2. Follow the lane discipline

When you are truck driving at the speed slower than others, then keep the left lane and let other vehicles overtake you. Always overtake from the right side with proper indicators. It is important to show the intentions to others while changing the lanes or overtaking. Do not be indecisive when you do the same. Confusion leads to accidents.

3. Do not move the eyes from the road

Yes, it is certainly easier said than done. One should remember that the fatality is not proportional to the size of the vehicle. Also, it is not expected from others to follow all the traffic rules all the time. Regardless of whatever happens in the vehicle (the baby cries or the coffee spoils on the floor); you should not leave the eyes from the road even for a single moment. Slow down the vehicle and park on the left most side with full indicators on, till the crisis gets resolved.

4. Be cautious on the wet roads

Rains is the most difficult season to drive. Poor visibility and reduced grip on the road cause a great difficulty. It is critically important to drive with utmost care during the rainy days.

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Look at the training calendars of Top 10 logistics companies in india; you will find that the maximum time is devoted to transport safety training while driving. It underlines the criticality of the matter. 

Truck Driving Safety Relies on Being Weather Aware

Weather impacts truck driving safety in many ways such as how your truck handles on the road and how quickly you can stop. In fact, weather conditions contribute to nearly 25 percent of truck accidents when speeding is involved.

Check in on weather websites when planning your trip, but also be flexible enough to respond properly when you’re hit with unexpected conditions. Wet roads require you reduce your speed by one-third and you’ll need to cut it by one-half on icy, snowy roads.

Expected or not, weather can affect visibility, too. When rain, snow, and even fog interfere with your view of the road, pull off entirely, not just to the shoulder. That puts you and other drivers at risk. They may think you’re on the road and still moving and could mistakenly run into the back of your truck.

1. Give Yourself a Cushion

They call ‘em the big rigs for a reason. Your truck’s height and weight dwarf most other vehicles on the road. Plus, the mammoth size affects how much time and space you need to stop. For those reasons, you should maintain a buffer zone around your truck—a cushion of space that keeps you and other drivers safe. 

You need space above, below, in front, in back, and to both sides of your truck to stay clear of overpasses and tunnels, uneven or sloped roads, and objects in front, in back, and to the sides of you including other vehicles, toll booths, bridges, etc. Furthermore, trucks need a wide berth when making turns and backing up. Having a cushion helps ensure you won’t hit anything when executing those moves.

What’s more, if a semi needs to stop suddenly, it can’t. Four factors influence how long it takes a heavy duty truck to stop:

  • Perceived distance—about ¾ of a second, the time it takes to see trouble ahead.
  • Reaction distance—an additional ¾ of a second, the time it takes you to start putting your foot on the brake.
  • Effective braking distance—roughly 4 seconds, the time it takes the truck to come to a stop after you applied the brake.

That adds up to almost 6 seconds. A semi going 55 mph will travel another 512 feet in that time. Plus, things like the weather, road conditions, and how loaded your truck is can make it take even longer (and farther) to come to a complete stop. That’s why the cushion and being aware are so critical for truck driving safety.

2. Pick a Lane

You already know your truck can’t maneuver like a Maserati, so it can’t gracefully dart from lane to lane. Try to stay in the same lane for most of your trip, only switching when necessary. Even then, truck driving safety relies on your utmost caution. Put your signal on and let it go for at least five blinks to let everyone know you’re changing lanes. Check your mirrors constantly during the move and be extra careful of your blind spots.
Also, try to keep away from cars merging onto the freeway. When you’re passing through a city, try to stay out of the right-hand lane, especially if you can see passenger vehicles entering the highway.


3. Truck Driving Safety at Night

Considering the increased risk night driving poses to truck driving safety, it’s a good idea to avoid driving after dark when you can. It’s not always possible, though, so when you must drive at night, exercise extra care. Make sure your windows and mirrors are clean. Wear corrective lenses (if you need them) or night vision glasses to make sure you see clearly. Listen to the radio or an audiobook to keep your mind from falling under road hypnosis. In some states, the speed limit changes after dark, so watch the posted signs carefully when driving after dark.

4. Dealing with Fatigue

The best way to deal with fatigue is to avoid it. Make regular stops to take breaks, but make unscheduled stops, too, if you need them. Get out of the cab to stretch and walk around, too, don’t just pull over for a few minutes. Also, if you’re sick, on medication, or drained to begin with, take some time off—even if it’s just a few hours or a day—rather than risking driving poorly. Preventive measures are excellent ways to avoid fatigue. Eat healthy, on and off the road. Exercise regularly and get plenty of sleep so you’re ready to hit the road when it’s time.

Some of these tips might seem like basic, common sense advice, but making a few adjustments and paying more attention while on the road can have a huge impact on truck driving safety. In the end, every step is worth it if it helps ensure your safety and that of the other drivers on the road.

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7 Road Safety Tips For Large Truck Drivers

When on the road, be careful! How many times have you heard or seen that? From authorities to family, everyone seems to be saying the same thing. Well, safety is paramount. As more and more people take to the roads in vehicles, this is a growing concern.

If you drive or simply know someone who does, traffic rules should be your only worry on the road. This is even more applicable to those who steer large vehicles, such as large trucks or trailers. While it is difficult to control such a gigantic vehicle, we’ll give you some tips about how you may keep yourself and your cargo safe, if you do drive a large truck.

1. The Triple Contact Points

Employ three contact points at all times. One when you enter the vehicle, one when you exit and the other when using the catwalk to ascend or descend. This actually refers to having one limb connected to your equipment at all times. Failing to do this may cause a potential accident if your truck jerks forward for any reason.

2. Load Carefully And Of Course, Wisely

Do not overload. Try to balance the load equally among the free space available. Read your truck’s manual to see how much load can be safely carried. Overloading or unequally balanced loads may cause your vehicle to flip on its side or develop flat tires. You don’t want that do you? And, in case you want a bigger truck for heavy loads, you can look for an online truck trading site to help you find one.

3. Blind Spots

Know your truck like the back of your hand. Most trucks have are more or less flat on the front, but that definitely doesn’t mean your vehicle has no blind spots. These are the places where you may strike an obstacle or object, or if worse, an animal or a person! Your rear view mirrors should give you a good view in this case.

4. Have Zero Distractions

If you’re on your truck, ensure that your mobile phone is out of reach – yes, out of reach. It is suicidal to try to use a mobile phone or distract yourself by talking to your assistant if he or she is there at all. You may end up driving into someone or something, so store your calls for the end of the journey. Even if it’s your boss!

5. Polarised Sunglasses At Your Aid

It may not be a bad idea to use sunglasses or shades when on the move. They are helpful in shielding your eyes from the Sun’s rays and thus, keeping you from the glare and the potentiality of missing out on obstacles that may appear right up on front. Go for polarised sunglasses, as they block the rays while providing you with near perfect accuracy of your visible surroundings.

6. Reach Late, Reach Safe

Look – we know how angry the client or your boss will be if the load arrives late. However, if you were to choose between safety and delay, which would you pick? If your answer isn’t safety, you should probably give up that license. While time is money, keeping your trucking authority and safety is your top priority when you operate such a heavy vehicle. We’re not just talking about your safety, but also that of others.

7. Lights And Belts

Lights on your truck should be left switched on when you’re driving in the rain or in the dark. Basically, switch your lights on if it’s not a bright summer’s day. When seated, remember to keep your seatbelt fastened. This will not only save you from potential brakes, you will also not get a ticket for breaking traffic rules!

If you’ve been at the giant steering wheel, you know how big a responsibility you have. It’s not just about your cargo and your truck, it’s also about the thousands of other cars and people you cross on your journey. Ensure to follow the traffic rules, and in this way, you’ll be making a better world and safer roads for all of us.

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Other Safe Truck Driving Tips - Transport Safety

  • Don’t drive if you are overtired, ill, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Avoid driving if you are angry about something that happened at work or home.
  • Angry drivers can easily lose their concentration and cause accidents.
  • See to it that all instruments on the vehicle are in good working condition. (These include headlights, windshield wipers, tires, brakes, seat belts, horn and mirrors. If any are not working properly, notify your supervisor.)
  • Check to see that all tires are properly inflated.
  • Make sure the vehicle is equipped with a first aid kit and an emergency repair kit. If either of these are missing in a company vehicle, let your supervisor know
  • Always drive defensively.

Blog- Our Approach To Transport Safety, 2020

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